INIMA Code of Conduct

1.0 Introduction

The Partners shall demonstrate that their National Codes of Professional Conduct shall be compliant to the Code of conduct of International Network of Interim Manager Associations , from here on known as INIMA.

Each partner shall provide a compliance matrix to this document as auto-certification of compliance. The Partners have the responsibility to assure that their members adhere to their National Code of Conduct.

2.0 Procedures used in the acquisition of assignments

Baseline Information

Ensure that the information given in order to secure work with a Client is: factual and relevant, neither misleading nor unfair to others, not otherwise discreditable to the profession.

Undertake reasonable endeavours to ensure the truth and accuracy of all statements or information provided to Clients or by or on behalf of Clients to third parties, in which they have an involvement.

Only accept work for which the Member is competent and in which the Client can be served effectively.

Conflict of interests

Disclose at the earliest opportunity any special relationships, circumstances or business interests which might influence or impair, or could be seen by the Client or others to influence or impair, the Member’s independent judgment or objectivity on a particular assignment..


Respect the confidentiality of any information regarding a potential Client provided by the potential Client or a Provider to enable the Member to consider whether to accept an assignment.

Baseline Agreement

Agree formally with the Client the scope, nature and deliverables of the services to be provided and the basis of remuneration, place of work and other relevant terms, in advance of commencing work; any subsequent revisions will be subject to prior discussion and agreement with the Client

3.0 Approach to, and conduct during, an assignment

Feedback to the Client

Ensure that the Client is kept fully informed about the progress of the assignment through whatever medium is appropriate to the circumstances, identify to the Client areas in which the Member has added value to the Client’s organisation and/or activities, and take note of any feedback provided by the Client on the performance of the Member’s services.

Client Information

Not use for personal advantage, nor for the advantage of a third party, any information acquired either deliberately or accidentally in the course of professional duties, and to which there would not otherwise be access.

Preserve confidentiality, both within and outside the Client’s organisation and between one Client and another. Disclosure of information should be made only with the consent of the proper authority or where there is a legal or professional obligation for disclosure.

Professional Conduct

Take special care to uphold the best interests of the Client at all times

Take all due care to comply with current statutory requirements or professional pronouncements when preparing or approving information which is to be used by or on behalf of the Client. The Client should be advised of any non-compliance and the reason(s) therefore.

Have due regard for and comply with relevant law. Members must advise Clients if they believe their objectives may be illegal, unethical or contrary to professional practice, and refuse to act for a Client in pursuance of any such objective.

Ensure that advice, solutions and recommendations are based on thorough, impartial consideration and analysis of all available pertinent facts and relevant experience, and are realistic, practicable and clearly understood by the Client.


Carry out all work with due regard for technical and professional competence, and to seek advice where, having begun an assignment, the Member finds that circumstances are outside his/her skill, competence and/or experience.


Subcontract work only with the prior agreement of the Client, and, except where otherwise agreed, remain responsible for the performance of the work. It is recommended that suitable substitutes be agreed in advance within the contract for services in respect of the assignment.

4.0 Termination of an assignment

Conduct an exit review highlighting issues the Client needs to address and analysing the assignment’s objectives relative to the results delivered by the Member.

Agree formally with the Client terms for termination of the assignment, including handover period to new or existing employees, provision of such documents to ensure business continuity and congruity, leaving sufficient contact details to enable ease of future contact

5.0 Professional Development

Each Member shall continue in order to ensure that the knowledge and skills the Member offers to Clients are kept up to date.